Perdu,Mal et Seule..Agmal a’ouyoun filkone ana shiftaha!

Thursday, August 03, 2000

The Act II (a reply)

A quote from an Oracle
"Life is never meaningless, it's just a complete cycle..."
Umbrage by your statements
Falsehood lies, non-existant realities
is nothing but an understatement.

Should what you say is true
Then life itself is useless
Everyone will feel extremely blue
Alas, for me...
Though, however fake this world may seem
It ain't really over till the fat lady sings!
Why put up a false act for others to see?
Life is just too short!, please think this out loud...

To say we're acting is so unreal,
To accuse being not in control is so puerile...
We are what we are
We'll be where we'll be
Both in pre or post judgement Day...
That's for now, is all I've to say!

"To be able to smell, feel & touch today is a privilege & a gift, that's why it's called the present"

Posted by Li Sa Tristesse :: 1:12 PM :: 0 Comments:

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